August 24, 2018

Episode 378: Deep End (1970)

Guest Co-Hosts: Jonathan Owen, Alicia Malone

Jerzy Skolimowski's Deep End (1970) stars John Moulder-Brown as Mike, a fifteen year old drop-out who finds work at a public bath where he takes care of the male patrons while Jane Asher plays Susan, the female attendant. Mike becomes obsessed with Jane while she juggles her fiance and side piece. It’s a rather unsettling coming-of-age story in the twilight days of swinging London.

Alicia Malone (The Female Gaze) and Jonathan Owen (Avant-garde to New Wave: Czechoslovak Cinema, Surrealism and the Sixties) join Mike to discuss the film along with other coming-of-age films.

Listen/Download Now:

"Mother Sky" - Can
"But I Might Die Tonight" - Cat Stevens



  1. As Cinefiles go,Ms.Malone is so the real deal!Her warm presence on TCM reminds me of the late great Robert Osborne:)

  2. Another pod gone to the channel in the sky

    1. Not sure what you mean by that. Can you expound?
