May 3, 2018

Episode 363: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)

Special Guests: Kenneth E. Hall, Joseph McBride
Guest Co-Hosts: Jon Cross, Ben Buckingham

We travel back to the days of yesteryear with a look at the 1962 film from director John Ford, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. The film stars Jimmy Stewart as Ransom Stoddard, a lawyer who comes out west only to get robbed by the titular Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin). The film also stars John Wayne as Tom Doniphan, a man of action and the living embodiment of "The Old West".

Joseph McBride and Kenneth E. Hall discuss the works of John Ford while Jon Cross and Ben Buckingham join Mike to talk about Liberty Valance and revisionist Westerns.

Listen/Download Now:

Bonus: Joseph McBride Interviews John Ford

Copyright © 1970, 2018 by Joseph McBride

Buy The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance on Blu-Ray
Buy The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance by Dorothy M. Johnson
Listen to Jon Cross's Miscellaneous Plumbing Fixtures

Soundtrack by Cyril Mockridge
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" - Gene Pitney



  1. Great episode. One correction. John Ford wasn't an immigrant. He was born in Maine.

    1. Apologies if any of us said that. Should have been that he was second generation immigrant.
