November 14, 2016

Special Report: The Frontier (2015)

Special Guests: Oren Shai, Webb Wilcoxen
Guest Co-Host: Jared Case

The Frontier (2015) is a retro neo-noir in which Laine (Jocelin Donahue), a woman on the run, finds her way to a diner/hotel where the owner, Luanne (Kelly Lynch) hosts an amalgam of shady characters.

Film archivist Jared Case joins Mike to speak to director Oren Shai and co-writer about this new film.

Buy The Frontier on Blu-Ray
Visit the official website
Visit The Frontier on Kino Lorber
Be sure to LIKE The Frontier on Facebook

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"House Of Pies" - Friends Of Dean Martinez


1 comment:

  1. Apparently Trump won despite the fact that Clinton actually had at least two million more votes for him. It's really making people question the electoral college system, which has already been criticized since at least 2000 (personally I think the voting system is a load of crock, and very very flawed). Sign, hopefully things don't get so bad.

    Great podcast BTW. Definitely a movie I might wanna check out.
