Guest Co-Hosts: Heather Drain, Chris Stachiw
Jacques Rivette's Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974) tells a story of friendship, adventure, and magic between two women (Juliet Berto and Dominique Labourier) in Paris.
Interviews this week include Jonathan Rosenbaum (Rivette: Texts and Interviews) and Mary Wiles (Contemporary Film Directors: Jacques Rivette).
Heather Drain (Mondo-Heather.com) and Chris Stachiw (Kulturecast) join Mike to unwrap the candy that is Celine and Julie Go Boating.
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Buy Celine and Julie Go Boating on Blu-Ray
Buy Jacques Rivette by Mary Wiles
Buy Rivette Text and Interviews by Jonathan Rosenbaum
Ask New Yorker Films to release Celine and Julie on Blu-Ray / DVD
Read Desperately Seeking Celine and Julie by Reid Rosefelt
Read Mirror, mirror: Jacques Rivette, the Marx Brothers and the plays we game by Brad Stevens
Listen to Let Us Now Praise Jacques Rivette by The Cinephiliacs
Read Jacques Rivette on Out 1 and Céline and Julie Go Boating on BFI.org
Read Exploring the Haunted Grounds of Sérail by Imran Khan
Read Celine and Julia Go Boating Subversive fantasy by Julia Lesage
Read Celine and Julie: The Typeface by Pat Graham
Read about The Personal is Political
Visit the official Jonathan Rosenbaum website
Visit the official Mondo Heather website
Visit the Kulture Shocked website for more of Chris Stachiw
"Donald and Julie go Boating" - Techno Twins
"I'll Be You" - The Replacements
"Celine and Julie Go Boating" grew out of an aborted Rivette project called "Phoenix." It was to have starred Jeanne Moreau as a stage actress and Juliet Berto as her dresser. But Rivette though it was too close to "All About Eve" and decided that he wanted to do something different, specifically a comedy. Rivette and Eduardo De Gregorio came up with the basic idea of "Celine and Julie" but all the cast contributed -- and get credit for it. Yes these more than a soupcon of the Sapphic. But it doesn't really take root as the film is about rescuing one's childhood and therefore is pre-sexual.