October 6, 2015

Episode 239: Homicidal (1961)

Guest Co-Host: Jeffrey Schwarz

In William Castle's Homicidal, "Jean Arless" stars as Emily, a murderess who may herself be a victim of abuse. We're joined by Jeffrey Schwarz, director of Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story, to discuss the film.

Buy Homicidal on DVD
Buy Spine Tingler! The William Castle Story on DVD
Buy STEP RIGHT UP!...I'm Gonna Scare the Pants Off America by William Castle
Visit the Tab Hunter: Confidential website
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"Homicidal" - Magic Affair
"I'm a Boy" - The Who

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  1. So great that you dedicated an episode for one of Mr. Castle's gems, Strait-Jacket is another fun movie that I've seen from him. I think I have to check out at least The Tingler and The Night Walker next (and House by the Haunted Hill of course).

  2. So glad you chose to discuss Homicidal. In my opinion it's Castle's best film. It's much more than just a Psycho clone. While it flirts with some similar themes as Hitchcock's masterpiece, it operates on it's own clever, crazy track really well. Really enjoyed your discussion on the little quirky treasure.
