January 28, 2014

Episode 151: Orgy of the Dead (1965)

Special Guest: Andrew Rausch

Can your heart stand a bevy of beautiful women who try to dance their way into the afterlife, judged by the Emperor of the Underworld (Criswell) and the Princess of Darkness (Fawn Silver)? Hear all about the damnation and jiggling as we discuss Stephen C. Apostolof's Orgy of the Dead
with the Jordan Todorov, the director of Dad Made Dirty Movies, a documentary on Apostolof and his films.

Buy Orgy of the Dead on Blu
Buy the Orgy of the Dead soundtrack
Buy Dad Made Dirty Movies, The Book! by Jordan Todorov and Joe Blevins
Like Dad Made Dirty Movies on Facebook
Buy Nightmare of Ecstasy by Rudolph Grey
Read a great series of articles on Ed Wood films at Dead2Rights

Listen/Download Now:



  1. Any chance that doc is every going to be available for purchase? Looks cool.

    1. Steven,

      It's pretty great. I hope that Jordan can get some U.S. distribution for it (are you in the U.S.). Follow his page on facebook and I'm sure we'll let you know when we know.


      Rob St. Mary
      co-host of "The Projection Booth"

  2. Wow, is it amazing to see that this episode goes back almost four years now. I remember listening to it when it first came out.

    It is only recently that I watched Orgy of the Dead. I have the new Blu-ray, and it looks terrific, certainly better than it was ever intended to. Those fog machines were definitely being overworked. The film is uneven and ridiculous, but that is part of the its charm. While the length is the main issue for me, the sexploitation fan in me can forgive that. To its credit Orgy of the Dead manifests an ambition to be more than the average nudie flick.

    A Long-time Listener

    1. I've got that Blu-Ray waiting for me back in Detroit. I can't wait to see it! IT PLEASURES ME!
