June 4, 2013

Episode 117: Battlefield Earth (2000)

Special Guest: Roger Christian &

We conclude our two-part look at Scientology and the movies with Battlefield Earth. We debate the veracity that it's "The Worst Film Ever Made" and discuss the making of the film with the film's director, Academy Award winner Roger Christian, and original screenwriter J.D. Shapiro.

Buy Battlefield Earth on DVD
Buy 's Battlfield Earth
Buy L. Ron Hubbard's Space Jazz
Buy The Road to Freedom on CD
Read Roger Christian's How dare they call my film a turkey
Read J.D. Shairo's I penned the suckiest movie ever - sorry!
Visit JD Shapiro's website

Listen/Download Now:

Songs used this episode include
"Disclaimer" - A Very Merry Unauthorized Children's Scientology Pageant
"March of the Psychlos" - L. Ron Hubbard
"Battlefield Earth Theme" - Elia Cmiral
"Terl, The Security Director" - L. Ron Hubbard
"Windsplitter" - L. Ron Hubbard
"The Road to Freedom" - L. Ron Hubbard & Friends



  1. Could you make an episode about movie "Roswell" (1994)? It would be really interesting to hear what was going on behind the scenes and in front in this movie based on real events.

  2. Needless unfunny wise-ass religion bashing.

    1. Dar,

      Sorry about being unfunny wise-asses.

      Thanks for listening!

      Rob St. Mary
      co-host of "The Projection Booth"

    2. I think you guys upset a Scientologist! I thought Battlefield Earth wasn't supposed to be connected with the greater canon of Scientology?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
