Radley Metzger's The Opening of Misty Beethoven, a re-telling of Pygmalion, was made at the height of porno chic. We're joined by Steven Morowitz of Distribpix, the company behind the new restoration of the film, and Veronica Hart, director of the musical version of Misty Beethoven.
We're joined this week by writer Heather Drain. Visit her website.
Listen/Download Now:
The official Distribpix website
Take a tour of Distribpix
Get The Opening of Misty Beethoven on Blu-Ray
Get Misty: The Musical! on DVD
Read Heather's article, Pervy Pygmalion at Dangerous Minds
Listen to our interview with Radley Metzger on our Score episode
Listen to Constance Mooney interviewed on The Rialto Report
Kudos for another fine podcast on a classic adult film from the Golden Age (and another next week!). I watched my VCA dvd of Misty last week; even though VCA used a tape master of average quality, they did include a fascinating commentary by the late Jamie Gillis and Gloria Leonard, which touched on some of the same points that your podcast covered. I appreciate Distribpix' efforts to restore these classic films - I have their remastered version of Maraschino Cherry, which had a great Q&A by Gloria Leonard. Looking forward to next week!