July 31, 2012

Episode 73: The Coffin Joe Trilogy

Special Guest: André Barcinski

Coffin Joe remains one of the stalwart pillars of cinema from one of the most populous countries in the world. He's inspired comic books, nightmares, and Sepultura songs. This week we're looking at the infamous "Coffin Joe Trilogy": At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul, This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse, and Embodiment of Evil.

We're talking to André Barcinski, co-director of The Strange World of Coffin Joe.

Check out Coffin Joe's chat show
Buy The Coffin Joe Trilogy on DVD
Get Embodiment of Evil on Blu-ray/DVD

Listen/Download Now:

Watch At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul


  1. Don't forget to buy EMBODIMENT OF EVIL on DVD/Blu-ray! The conclusion of the trilogy is on AMAZON at: http://www.amazon.com/Embodiment-Evil-Blu-ray-DVD-Combo/dp/B004D67ZO6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343911147&sr=8-1&keywords=embodiment+of+evil+blu

  2. Thanks for another great podcast, and bringing this filmaker to my attention. I downloaded the first film off youtube, can't wait to watch it.

  3. I had the pleasure of meeting Coffin Joe on a hot summer day in NYC when I was living there. Nick Zedd had called and told me Joe was in town. Coffin Joe was in NY to promote a book and I think the Anthology was screening some of his work. This was back in 1995. It was very cool to hang out with this legend.
    - Rustyn

  4. Thanks for the feedback, Frank!

    Rustyn - Great story! I'd love to go to Brazil and spend a day with him. I'd love to take him out to dinner as a THANK YOU for all his work. Kind of my own version of "My Dinner with Andre (Coffin Joe)"! HA!


    Rob St. Mary
    co-host of "The Projection Booth"

  5. The CJ movies are great and really don't get enough love, I really hope I'm able to make the drive to Austin on October to meet the guy.

  6. The interview with André Barcinski was amazing!

    In a different topic, I really wasn't bothered by the gore of Embodiment of Evil because:
    1.-I haven't watched so many Saw-like films so it stills sorta fresh and effective for me.
    2.-If someone has the right of using that kind of gore is José Mojica, I can't think of any South American film previous to At Midnight I'll take your Soul with such explicit bloody scenes! You could say he's the local grandfather of gore, so I have no problems with he appropriating the fads used by his "film-grandchildren".

    BTW, a question, any of you know about some article that studies exhaustively the (possible) influence of Coffin Joe over the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise?

    1. I hear you on the gore - it had to be in order to meet many of the "modern conventions" of horror these days. Plus, Mojica has earned it.

      Not sure if anyone has looked at the connection between Coffin Joe and Freddy. Not sure that Wes Craven even knew that Mojica existed because his stuff wasn't available on video until sometime in the 1990s in the States. But, I think it would be an interesting analysis piece... if one were to write it.


      Rob St. Mary
      co-host of "The Projection Booth"

    2. That's a good point and it's very probable the similarities are just coincidental.

      I just heard/read, but I don't remember if it was a documentary, some forum or what, but I don't think it was a reliable source, that Freddy's finger nails were inspired by Zé, that's why I was curious about it :P
