December 14, 2011

Episode 41: Straight Time (1978)

Straight Time / No Beast So FierceDustin Hoffman stars as an ex-con in an adaptation of Edward Bunker's No Beast So Fierce

Along for the ride is author Andrew Rausch. We'll be talking Straight Time and his new crime novel, The Suicide Game.

Buy The Suicide Game
Buy No Beast So Fierce
Buy Straight Time on DVD

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1 comment:

  1. On this episode, Mike is joined by author Andrew Rausch to discuss Straight Time starring Dustin Hoffman, an adaptation of the novel No Beast So Fierce by ex-con turned author Edward Bunker.

    It's been a while since I've seen this flick but I recall it being a very compelling Dustin Hoffman performance, a classically 'seventies' style performance back when films were films, actors were actors and men were men (or at least, were terribly afraid of being raped by men in prison as presumably Dustin Hoffman was while shooting the film.)

    Eddie Bunker is perhaps familiar to most audiences for his small but memorable role as the ill-fated, Madonna lovin' Mr. Blue from Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs (one of Mike White's favourite movies, I believe.)
